F A X   O R D E R
Please fill out the form below and print it from your browser.
We prefer that you type the information into the form and then print it. If you print the form and then fill it in by hand, we may have problems reading the faxed copy and this could result in an error in your order. Thank you for your cooperation.
Customers outside the United States please fax this form to our office in Germany at +49-221-31088-29.
Customers in the United States and Canada please fax this form to our office in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, USA at: (724) 850-8187.
After we receive your fax, we will process your order and you will receive a confirmation mail from us within 24 hours. In this e-mail you will receive a reference number for your order and detailed information regarding payment and shipping. Do not do anything until you have received this confirmation e-mail from us. If you have not received a confirmation e-mail from us within 24 hours after you faxed the order, please notify us of this in an email at: support@shareit.com
You are about to order the following products:

Product Name
1st Go Warkanoid 3 [#149065]
USD 19.95
EUR 22.36
Total: USD 19.95 / EUR 22.36

Personal Data SHI
Company (only for business orders)
First Name Check this box if your shipping address is different from your personal address. Indicate this address in the blanks provided at the end of this form.
Last Name
Street Address
Additional Address
City and ZIP
State or Province (for U.S. and Canada orders only)
VAT ID (only for business customers from the European Union, if available)
With a few exceptions, all of our programs are sent out by e-mail. If you do not enter an e-mail address, we may not be able to process your order or communicate with you.
In whose name should the product be licensed?     Personal Name   Company Name
Payment Options
Credit Card:
American Express
Diners Club
Other Payment Types:
Wire Transfer
Note: Do NOT send us your payment until you have received a confirmation e-mail from us with detailed instructions on how to do this. This is relevant only for check, wire transfer and cash customers.
Credit Card Number
Valid to / (mm/yy)
Card Holder
Enter the address of the card holder here if it's different from your personal address.
Street Address
Additional Address
City and ZIP
State or Province
Choose Currency: EUR   USD

Date and Signature: ____________________________

Shipping Address (if different from Personal Address)
Company (optional)
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Additional Address
City and ZIP
State or Province (for U.S. and Canada orders only)
With a few exceptions, all of our programs are sent out by e-mail. If you do not enter an e-mail address, we may not be able to process your order or communicate with you.